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I have created a new project named Stripes XSS Interceptor. This project escapes all the parameters that Stripes Framework binds during its Validation & Binding phase using a wrapped request object (a convenient implementation of the HttpServletRequest interface). The code follows the XSS (Cross Site Scripting) security guidance posted at OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project). Please feel free to report any bug you find in the project’s Issue Tracker.…

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The JBoss Microcontainer is a refactoring of JBoss’s JMX Microkernel to support direct POJO deployment and standalone use outside the JBoss application server.

It allows the creation of services using simple Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs) to be deployed into a standard Java SE runtime environment.

JBoss Microcontainer uses dependency injection to wire individual POJOs together to create services. Configuration is performed using either annotations or XML depending on where the information is best located.

The goal of this article is to show how easy it is to test these services using TestNG testing framework.

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Following the previous article Combine and minimize JavaScript and CSS files for faster loading, I implemented a similar solution as a Maven plugin. This plugin combines and minimizes JavaScript and CSS files using YUI Compressor for faster page loading. More details can be found on the Minify Maven Plugin page.…

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Everyone knows that documentation is not one of JBoss strengths. This article is meant to fill this gap. It describes and exemplifies how to configure JBoss PojoCache as a MBean service, using loadtime transformations with JBossAop framework, so you don’t need precompiled instrumentation.

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JBoss announced the GA release of JBoss AS 5.0. JBoss 5 is the next generation of the JBoss Application Server build on top of the new JBoss Microcontainer. The JBoss Microcontainer is a lightweight container for managing POJOs, their deployment, configuration and lifecycle. It is a standalone project that replaces the famous JBoss JMX Microkernel of the 3.x and 4.x JBoss series. The Microcontainer integrates nicely with the JBoss framework for Aspect Oriented Programming, JBoss AOP.…

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This example was greatly inspired by the Stripes and jQuery AJAX Forms article from Freddy Daoud, but with some nice improvements

Last week I was working on a new Stripes / AJAX example. It involves having a table listing entities, being the last row of the table a form for adding new ones. The form gets submitted via AJAX, using jQuery, and the response is validated in order to check if the HTTP session is still valid.

If everything is OK, the list is refreshed and a success message appears. On the other hand, if validation errors occur, the list is refreshed and an error message appears. Also, if the user’s session has expired on the server, an alert is shown to inform the user that his session is invalid, and the page is reloaded so the user can login once more.

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