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By adding Java to their App Engine, Google has opened the door for a whole slew of languages that have been implemented on the JVM, now including PHP via Quercus.

This weekend I decided to give it a try and deploy an old tutorial of mine - PHP Tutorials - on GAE.

I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised by how effortless it was. OK, it’s a very rudimentary PHP application, the only PHP code used was to run the examples described on the code blocks and do some includes; nevertheless I didn’t feel the need to change a single line of code.

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Daniel Silva, Marcos Caceres and myself have completed Phase 1 of Widget Packaging and Configuration compatibility testing. We have also detailed the results as part of the conformance matrix. We would like to publish the results as a working group note. Phase 2 will begin in about 3 weeks, in which we are hoping to start working with vendors to improve overall conformance. We need help with Phase 2: if you know a team contact for any of the targeted products that are claiming conformance to W3C Widgets, then would appreciate your help in making them aware of the results of the testing - Implementation Report: Widgets Packaging and Configuration.…

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The JBoss Microcontainer is a refactoring of JBoss’s JMX Microkernel to support direct POJO deployment and standalone use outside the JBoss application server.

It allows the creation of services using simple Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs) to be deployed into a standard Java SE runtime environment.

JBoss Microcontainer uses dependency injection to wire individual POJOs together to create services. Configuration is performed using either annotations or XML depending on where the information is best located.

The goal of this article is to show how easy it is to test these services using TestNG testing framework.

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Following the previous article Combine and minimize JavaScript and CSS files for faster loading, I implemented a similar solution as a Maven plugin. This plugin combines and minimizes JavaScript and CSS files using YUI Compressor for faster page loading. More details can be found on the Minify Maven Plugin page.…

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Reduce HTTP requests

On most sites, the major component of download time is not the base HTML file itself, but the number of subsequent HTTP requests to load the page’s supporting files - CSS, JavaScript, images, etc.

Each of those are extra HTTP requests, and each unique request takes a relatively long time. The fewer requests to the server that the browser has to make, the faster the page will load.

There is an inherent overhead in each HTTP request. It takes substantially less time to serve one 60K file than it does three 20K files and a lot less than it does six 10K files.

Combine and minimize files

This post will explain how to combine and minimize CSS and JavaScript files using YUI Compressor and Ant.

This can be done by just concatenating all files into two combined files (one for CSS and one for JavaScript) and minimize them. You can quickly go from 10 or more files down to 2, and their size can be greatly reduced.

To keep the modularity that comes with splitting these files out by section (or business unit), keep them split in your development process, and combine them in your build process. A first Ant task will combine them and a second task will generate their minimized versions.

This technique has been successfully used in libraries such as jQuery, MooTools, Dojo, ExtJS, YUI, etc, allowing developers to better organize their code.

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No matter how anxiously expected, the release of IE8 hasn’t resulted in the end of the support for the old, deprecated, IE6 rendering engine. Giving us, the web developers, need to test against yet another version of IE. Hopefully the eighth version is going to be a lot easier to test and support since it’s more standards compliant and in that perspective, much closer to the other modern browsers. It’s also comes with easier debugging functionality as it has an integrated set of [developer tools](http://msdn.…

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Everyone knows that documentation is not one of JBoss strengths. This article is meant to fill this gap. It describes and exemplifies how to configure JBoss PojoCache as a MBean service, using loadtime transformations with JBossAop framework, so you don’t need precompiled instrumentation.

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Internationalization, or i18n, is the design and development of a product, application or document content that enables easy localization for target audiences that vary in culture, region, or language. Localization refers to the adaptation of a product, application or document content to meet the language, cultural and other requirements of a specific target market (a “locale”).

Adapting application to various languages is for me, as a Java and HTML developer, more than a common task. Usually the solution involves a set of supported locales, which is very often different from the system locale and/or browser configuration. Majority of such cases are covered by the scenario when user chooses particular language settings and the only place where the locale setting can be stored is the HTTP Session.

Support for this behavior is now handled by majority of frameworks; nevertheless there is still one HTML element that you can’t effectively change - the file upload form field.

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