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This article was first published on Java Advent Calendar.

Introduction to Bean Validation

JavaBeans Validation (Bean Validation) is a new validation model available as part of Java EE 6 platform. The Bean Validation model is supported by constraints in the form of annotations placed on a field, method, or class of a JavaBeans component, such as a managed bean.

Several built-in constraints are available in the javax.validation.constraints package. The Java EE 6 Tutorial lists all the built-in constraints.

Constraints in Bean Validation are expressed via Java annotations:

public class Person {
    @Size(min = 2, max = 50)
    private String name;
    // ...

Bean Validation and RESTful web services

JAX-RS 1.0 provides great support for extracting request values and binding them into Java fields, properties and parameters using annotations such as @HeaderParam, @QueryParam, etc. It also supports binding of request entity bodies into Java objects via non-annotated parameters (i.e., parameters that are not annotated with any of the JAX-RS annotations). Currently, any additional validation on these values in a resource class must be performed programmatically.

The next release, JAX-RS 2.0, includes a proposal to enable validation annotations to be combined with JAX-RS annotations. For example, given the validation annotation @Pattern, the following example shows how form parameters could be validated.

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Drools 5 introduces the Business Logic integration Platform which provides a unified and integrated platform for Rules, Workflow and Event Processing. It’s been designed from the ground up so that each aspect is a first class citizen, with no compromises.

Drools 5 has splitted up into 4 main sub projects:

  • Drools Guvnor (BRMS/BPMS)
  • Drools Expert (rule engine)
  • Drools Flow (process/workflow)
  • Drools Fusion (cep/temporal reasoning)

In this example we will focus on how we can use Drools Expert inside JBoss Application Server 7.

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Web content delivered to mobile devices can benefit from being tailored to take into account a range of factors such as screen size, markup language support and image format support. Such information is stored in “Device Description Repositories” (DDRs).

Until recently WURFL was the de facto DDR standard for mobile capabilities, but its license changed to AGPL (Affero GPL) v3, meaning it is not free to be used commercially anymore. Consequently some free open source alternatives to WURFL have recently started to show up and are improving quickly.

OpenDDR and 51Degrees.mobi are candidate substitutes to WURFL that also provide an API to access DDRs.

These tools ease and promote the development of Web content that adapts to its delivery context. This post summarizes the installation and configuration of these tools and analyzes how they compare in terms of image adaptation.

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In Java EE 6 Testing Part I I briefly introduced the EJB 3.1 Embeddable API using Glassfish embedded container to demonstrate how to start the container, lookup a bean in the project classpath and run a very simple integration test.

This post focus on Arquillian and ShrinkWrap and why they are awesome tools for integration testing of enterprise Java applications.

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One of the most common requests we hear from Enterprise JavaBeans developers is for improved unit/integration testing support.

EJB 3.1 Specification introduced the EJB 3.1 Embeddable API for executing EJB components within a Java SE environment.

Unlike traditional Java EE server-based execution, embeddable usage allows client code and its corresponding enterprise beans to run within the same JVM and class loader. This provides better support for testing, offline processing (e.g. batch), and the use of the EJB programming model in desktop applications. […] The embeddable EJB container provides a managed environment with support for the same basic services that exist within a Java EE runtime: injection, access to a component environment, container-managed transactions, etc. In general, enterprise bean components are unaware of the kind of managed environment in which they are running. This allows maximum reusability of enterprise components across a wide range of testing and deployment scenarios without significant rework.

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You can find plenty of resources about this topic just by googling the web, most of which will point to jQuery plugins.

But the fact is that it’s so easy to achieve this by simply using jQuery that you do not need a plugin.

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Web performance is getting more and more attention from web developers and is one of the hottest topic in web development.

Fred Wilson considered it at 10 Golden Principles of Successful Web Apps as the #1 principle for successful web apps:

First and foremost, we believe that speed is more than a feature. Speed is the most important feature. If your application is slow, people won’t use it.

Faster website means more revenue and traffic:

  • Amazon: 100 ms of extra load time caused a 1% drop in sales (source: Greg Linden, Amazon).
  • Google: 500 ms of extra load time caused 20% fewer searches (source: Marrissa Mayer, Google).
  • Yahoo!: 400 ms of extra load time caused a 5–9% increase in the number of people who clicked “back” before the page even loaded (source: Nicole Sullivan, Yahoo!).

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I have created a new project named Stripes XSS Interceptor. This project escapes all the parameters that Stripes Framework binds during its Validation & Binding phase using a wrapped request object (a convenient implementation of the HttpServletRequest interface). The code follows the XSS (Cross Site Scripting) security guidance posted at OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project). Please feel free to report any bug you find in the project’s Issue Tracker.…

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Both the TOC (Table of Contents) components from samaxesJS JavaScript library have been updated. Changes include: Reduced file size by removing duplicated code using a for loop when defining and processing indexes (1.8KB for the minified jQuery TOC plugin). Added a new option: context, allowing the TOC to list headings from only a portion of the page. Please report any bug you may find in the project Issue Tracking.…

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