In my current web project I was having some performance issues, I needed a tool that allowed me to do some testing so I can see what’s wrong and what I can do better so my application perform faster.

My search lead me to High Performance Web Sites and YSlow, a very good talk by Steve Souders the Chief Performance Yahoo! at Yahoo!

YSlow is an easy-for-use plugin that allows you to inspect any web page just clicking a button.

YSlow analyzes web pages and tells you why they’re slow based on the rules for high performance web sites. YSlow is a Firefox add-on integrated with the popular Firebug web development tool. YSlow gives you:

  • Performance report card
  • HTTP/HTML summary
  • List of components in the page
  • Tools including JSLint

A good way to reduce the number of Http Connections required to load a web page is to store images and other resources in the browser cache.

Expires is a HTTP header that allows you to define when a resource (image, css, javascript, …) will need to be reloaded. It is a String representation of a Date in the format EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z. Cache-Control response headers give Web publishers more control over their content and address the limitations of Expires.

To correctly produce these headers I implemented a Java cache filter. Check out the project on GitHub at samaxes/javaee-cache-filter or read the docs on the wiki.

Sample configuration:

<!-- Declare the filter in your web descriptor file `web.xml` -->




<!-- Map the filter to serve your static resources -->





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